State Representative Tony McCombie recently toured several area farms throughout the community. McCombie visited a grain and dairy heifer farm in Pearl City, a non-certified organic farm in Pecatonica, and a corn and alfalfa farm in Rockton. She learned about the efficient, environmental friendly processes and the concerns the families face that can hinder productive farm operations.
The Shedd Farm in Rockton was part of the Winnebago-Boone County Farm Bureau’s “Adopt an Acre” program. The program invites participants to adopt an acre of corn or soybeans during the growing season, receive progress updates, and the profits from the acre are donated to a food pantry of their choice.
Representative McCombie was eager to participate in the program. Over the growing season, McCombie will follow along with the progress of her acre and will receive updates until the harvest season begins. “Our farming communities are vital to the success of our state and the adopt an acre program is one that involves us in the process—to learn, to support and to give back to the community,” said McCombie.

The Illinois Farm Bureau, Adopt an Acre program has been around for years and aims to get more people informed about the farming process from the ground up.
Kevin Shedd, from Shedd Farms, welcomed Rep. McCombie to the farm and understands the importance of incorporating lawmakers into the Adopt an Acre program.
“It was great to have Leader McCombie come visit our family farm and see everything that it takes to grow an acre of corn,” said Shedd. “She showed great interest in how modern farming practices positively affect our economy and improve the environment. I am looking forward to her next visit to see how we end the farming season!”