Leader McCombie is pictured with Illinois Department of Agriculture Director Jerry Costello, Deputy Leader Norine Hammond, Assistant Minority Leader CD Davidsmeyer, Miss Illinois, and members of Future Farmers of America (FFA).

McCombie and Reps. Dave Severin and Bill Hauter held a press conference in the Capitol to discuss the ongoing issues with a state agency: IDFPR. Fixes are needed to help improve this agency which has failed to adequately and efficiently help Illinois residents. House Republicans presented a legislative package to provide several solutions.

Leader McCombie met with members of the Illinois Beef Association in her Capitol office.

Leader McCombie and Deputy Leader Ryan Spain are pictured with Farm Bureau President Brian Duncan.

McCombie met with more members of FFA! They were a great presence in the Capitol this week!

Members of Youth Crossroads met with Leader McCombie and shared their organization’s mission–as well as their poster artwork!

Leader McCombie and Deputy Leader Hammond welcomed more visitors to the Capitol!