This week House Minority Leader Tony McCombie and her colleagues Reps. Jeff Keicher and Brad Fritts met with Trisha Thompson, the new IDOT Region Two Engineer. They invited township road commissioners, county highway dept, and other local officials to their discussion to learn more from IDOT and updates happening in and around DeKalb County.

Leader McCombie’s next stop was Starved Rock State Park! She explored the park, learned about its history, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

Leader McCombie was joined by members of her leadership team at IRMA’s annual meeting; she also gave brief remarks at the event alongside the Senate Republican Leader John Curran.

Leader McCombie attended the Illinois Association of School Board’s Northwest Division Legislative Event; she is pictured above IASB Director of Government Relations Mike Stevens, IASB Northwest Director Chris Buikema, State Senator Andrew Chesney and IASB Vice President Tracie Sayre.