The six committee appointments for Rep. McCombie include Transportation: Roads and Bridges, Business and Occupational Licenses, Tourism, Business Incentives for Local Communities, Cities and Villages, and Elementary and Secondary Education: Curriculum and Policies.
“I am very happy with my appointments and anxious to meet the other members and get to work right away.” said Rep. McCombie, “Each of these committees will be focusing on issues of great importance to the people of the 71st District. I will use my voice on these committees to advocate for policies that will foster economic growth for the district, such as improving our transportation infrastructure, providing incentives to encourage businesses to invest in our local communities, helping to find more efficient ways for the State to interact with local municipalities, and better preparing our K-12 students for their future endeavors.”
Residents of the 71st District can learn more about legislation sponsored by Rep. McCombie during the Spring legislative session at her website at www.repmccombie.com.