Independent Redistricting Reform.
Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, along with all members of the House Republican Caucus, has filed a resolution demanding an independent redistricting reform solution.
House Resolution 995 shows broad support for maps to be drawn without regard to incumbency and partisanship, and allows voters the opportunity to choose a candidate based on the issues and policies most important to them. Legislative district maps are redrawn every ten years based on the newest census results.
According to a pollfrom the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, 72 percent of Illinois residents, including a majority of both Republicans and Democrats, support the creation of an independent commission to draw legislative district maps. Based on the current legislative calendar, the deadlines for passage are April 27 in the House and May 3 in the Senate.
If you would like to sign the petition supporting redistricting reform click here.
House Republicans tackle Illinois’ teacher shortage.
Our children’s education remains a top priority for Illinois House Republicans, which is why they have taken action to address the growing teacher shortage in our state. First and foremost, our members are committed to ensuring highly prepared and effective educators are teaching our children. To do that, Illinois must address the teacher shortage.
To read more about House Republicans’ efforts to address Illinois’ teacher shortage, please visit The Caucus Blog.
Solid blaze pink hunting gear authorized.
Under current law, hunters who wear blaze clothing must wear blaze orange. Many sports shops, though, would like to offer blaze pink hunting gear, much of it meant for female hunters. Studies show that blaze pink is just as visible in hunting conditions as blaze orange. HB 4231, sponsored by
Rep. Dave Severin, authorizes hunters in blaze-clothing environments to wear blaze pink. The House debated the measure and voted unanimously for it on Tuesday, April 17, sending the bill to the State Senate for further discussion.
Take the 71st District Legislative Survey!
As session progresses I am interested in finding out what your opinions are on bills that may come up. This is a great way to have your voice heard. CLICK HERE to complete the survey.
HB 4586 – Which did not make it out of committee, makes attacking DCFS and Adult Protective Service the same crime as attacking a police officer, firefighter, or other emergency responders.
Attacks against state workers protecting our most vulnerable are unfortunately not uncommon. The Chicago Tribune recently outlined a dozen extremely heinous attacks against DCFS workers since 2013. This legislation essentially closes a loophole in the law, and is the first step. The next step is to look into legislative and administrative measures to prevent attacks against state workers. Rep. McCombie has promised to introduce legislation if it is required.
The bill was drafted in response to the brutal beating of DCFS worker Pam Knight. Don Knight, the widow of the slain DCFS worker, joined Rep McCombie, the directors of DCFS and the Dept. of Aging, Rep. Brian Stewart, and Rep. Tom Demmer to call for the bill’s passage. Click here to see the press conference in its entirety.
The Illinois House of Representatives recognized Pam Knight’s life and sacrifice by unanimously passing House Resolution 952 in her honor.
HB 4589 – Passed the House of Representatives.
The legislation is currently is under consideration in the Senate. The legislation helps small savings banks by requiring them to have their books, records, and accounts examined at least once every 18 months (rather than at least once in each year) in the same manner as a State Bank. This is a common-sense piece of legislation that will help our small banks that lend to farms & small businesses in our communities and across Illinois.
HB 5502 – Passed the House of Representatives.
It is also moving to the Senate for consideration. The bill removes the requirement that an associate real estate trainee appraiser license may not be renewed more than two times (licenses are valid for two years). It requires each applicant to pass an exam authorized by the Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).
Additionally, it removes the requirement that states an applicant for associate real estate trainee appraiser licensure shall provide evidence that he or she has successfully completed the education requirements prior to taking the examination. There are some associate real estate trainee appraisers who don’t wish to advance to become real estate appraisers, and this requirement was burdensome to those professionals.
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As always, if you have concerns, questions, or would like to reach out to my office for any reason you can do so by emailing, calling my office at (815) 632-7384, or visiting my website at