Where’s Tony: December 9, 2019

What was Rep. Tony McCombie up to the week starting December 2? Find out below:

Monday, December 2

Rep. McCombie celebrated National Mutt Day by celebrating Molly’s 4th Birthday.

Tuesday, December 3

Busy day in the district! Rep. McCombie discussed abandoned properties in Rock Falls with city leaders, gave a State of the State to the Sterling Rotarians, met with NICIL to discuss their concerns and learn more about their services and finished up with a local teacher and superintendent to discuss student testing and teacher assessment concerns.

Friday, December 6

Rep. McCombie visiting with Sterling Christmas Walk attendees.
Sterling Christmas Walk
Sterling Christmas Walk
Sterling Christmas Walk

Saturday, December 7- Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Remembering the bravery of American soldiers and civilians attacked at Pearl Harbor on this day, 78 years ago.
Busy day in District with a family holiday portrait “fail” before Curt’s department Christmas Party!