Op-Ed from Rep. McCombie: A Reflection on 9/11

This past Sunday was the 21st anniversary of the September 11 attack on our Nation. A day of inconceivable tragedy, but also a day that brought us together in a way that has not been seen in my memory.

In recent years, our nation has never felt farther apart. People and movements are intent on division, working to separate us on all levels.  We face so many challenges, we need to ask why are so many insistent to treat people with disrespect and work to destroy those they may disagree with?

Imagine what we can do together, rather than holding onto an “us versus them” view. Our united communities work together all the time to build public spaces, promote community events and support projects to help our most in need. We face our challenges together, believe and support one other and accomplish many goals. Why do we forget that when we get behind a screen or step outside of our neighborhoods? 

Disagreements are a given, as are mistakes. But I steadfastly believe in the promise of the foundational principles of this country. A country that is continually working to better itself. As a country, and as individuals, we stumble and we fall, but that does not mean we are not capable of improvement. To rise again, to move forward, we need to be better.   

To do this we must extend our fellow man grace and assume the best of intentions from each other. We are a wonderfully diverse country, which has always made room for each other and celebrated our differing ideas. Let’s remember that time!

Tragedy alone should not be the force that brings us together. We are blessed to live in America and to reflect back on the incredible stories of heroism of 9/11, representing the best of who we are as a people. What we can rise to; how we can help one another. Ultimately, we are all in this together and we will do well to remember that on our worst days and on our best days.