Surpassing their goal of collecting 31 blood units, the Blood Drive hosted on December 30th by Rep. Tony McCombie and the City of Savanna at the Savanna Fire Department collected 36 units (23 of which are whole blood units and 13 of which are Power Red Units). The American Red Cross reported up to 108 lives will be saved by the blood collected at this drive.
“Thank you to all of our donors and volunteers at this holiday season blood drive,” said Rep. McCombie. “We are all so grateful for those who respond to the constant need for blood donations, but especially at such a critical time of need.”
The winter months can be among the most challenging times of year for the Red Cross to collect enough blood donations. Many donors are busy with holiday activities, and inclement weather can force the cancellation of blood drives. Additionally, some donors become temporarily ineligible because of seasonal illnesses.
Blood donors of all types, especially types O negative, A negative and B negative, and platelet donors are urgently needed to give now to avoid delays in lifesaving medical care for patients. Learn more from the American Red Cross or your local blood donation center of choice.
For more information on this or other state issues, call Rep. McCombie’s office at (815) 632-7384 or visit her website at