McCombie Column: An Illinois Ethics Showdown

It is no secret there is an ethics problem in Illinois politics. We have had four Governors spend time in federal prison, we have had several federal court verdicts prove self-serving politicians exist in our statehouse, and we have current ongoing investigations and cases into former lawmakers—including sitting lawmakers testifying so.

For some reason, it is a tough pill to swallow for Democratic leaders in charge. They refuse to admit there is a problem. Indictments, wiretaps, and verdicts have gone so far—but proof is still required to earn their support on these fixable problems. These are in fact problems that can and should be fixed—which is why I am working and will not stop until the public is satisfied with our ethics laws.

The problem is not only the corruption that continues to thrive in the Illinois statehouse but the lack of public trust that grows with it. As lawmakers, we work for our districts and the support of the people within them. We work to represent those voices in the legislature, so it is only right we continue to work, honor, and serve at the discretion of the people and give them the government they deserve. This is about transparency and accountability.

Our caucus has actionable solutions to tighten up laws, to make our government one for the people and not one for self-serving politicians. We must make these changes to help our state and future generations succeed. I look to this as just the first step and one hopefully of many that will push us onward and upward.