Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber scams are nothing new. Every day, there are cases of fraud brought to light making the safety of your own personal information even more important. October is Cyber Security Awareness month, and to help residents stay safe, State Representative Tony McCombie is sharing some helpful tips on things you can do to keep yourself cyber safe:

  1. Use strong passwords – Strong passwords are critical to protecting data. They are long, random, unique, and include all four-character types (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols).
  2. Turn on multifactor authentication (MFA) – You need more than a password to protect your online accounts and enabling MFA makes you significantly less likely to get hacked.
  3. Recognize & report phishing – Phishing emails, texts, and calls are the number one way data gets compromised. Be cautious of unsolicited emails, texts or calls asking for personal information.
  4. Update software – Ensuring your software is up to date is the best way to make sure you have the latest security patches and updates on your devices.