Today House Minority Leader Tony McCombie spoke at retreat held by the Hunt Institute, an independent non-profit organization that was formed in 2001 to inspire and inform elected officials and policymakers about key issues in education.
McCombie opened the first session of the retreat, which was a conversation on early childhood education and development, specifically Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce.
“We are all here because we care about the future of education in Illinois,” said Leader McCombie. “Our educators are working incredibly hard to shape the next generations to come! To that tune, the early childhood experiences of our youngest learners are essential to starting off on the right foot.”
The Leader introduced Ann Hentschel, Director of Early Learning at The Hunt Institute, who led the panel’s robust discussion on early childhood workforce. McCombie was joined at the event by several House Republican members including State Representatives Bradley Fritts, Bill Hauter, Dan Swanson, John Cabello, and Amy Elik.