Hot Temperatures Expected for the Rest of Summer

Background for a hot summer or heat wave, orange sky with with bright sun and thermometer

Forecasters are predicting a hotter than average summer in Illinois this year. In the last few weeks alone, there have been a record number of 90 degree days.

According to weather forecast teams, June through August temperatures will be two to three degrees above the historical average in the state.

A recent article from the State Journal-Register detailed the Climate Prediction Center’s call for temperatures to be above average in June, July and August to be anywhere from 33% to 40% while the University of Illinois state climatologist office says highs are usually in the 80s with lows in the 60s. Days above 90 degrees are more common the further south in the state, where that total per year ranges from 10 days to 40 days.

As temperatures continue to climb this summer, House Minority Leader Tony McCombie is urging area residents to stay safe while having fun! Check out heat safety tips here.