Leader McCombie Serves as Principal for the Day

Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie recently participated in the “Principal for the Day” program in her 89th legislative district. During her visit to Dorothy Simon Elementary School in Winnebago, Leader McCombie met with students in kindergarten through second grade, observed a Cardiac Emergency Response Drill, spoke with administrators and school board members, assisted in passing out milk during lunch, and discussed new school initiatives with Principal Dr. Heather Baker.

Leader McCombie, a longtime supporter of the “Principal for the Day” program sponsored by the Illinois Principals Association, values the unique opportunity to connect with educators, students, and school leaders. Over the years, she has served as “principal” in several schools across northwest Illinois, gaining firsthand insights into the successes and challenges schools face.

“We are fortunate to have exceptional schools in northwest Illinois. Seeing the dedication of our educators and administrators to making a positive impact on students’ lives is always inspiring,” said McCombie.

The “Principal for the Day” program not only gives state lawmakers like McCombie a chance to experience daily school operations but also provides an opportunity for school administrators to discuss their priorities, challenges, and legislative concerns directly with their elected officials.

Leader McCombie also took time during her visit to emphasize her commitment to school safety, a top priority for students, parents, and educators alike. “Ensuring our schools are safe and secure learning environments is vital,” McCombie said. “This includes advocating for emergency preparedness measures, addressing mental health needs, and supporting policies that protect our students and staff.”

Beyond her involvement in the program, Leader McCombie has made it a priority to engage with educators and administrators across her district on pressing issues such as funding, curriculum standards, and school safety.

“As a lawmaker, I’m committed to working alongside educators to improve educational outcomes and create a brighter future for our students. By fostering an open dialogue with schools, we can ensure that the policies we craft address real challenges and reflect the needs of our communities,” continued McCombie.

Leader McCombie encourages schools in her district to maintain an open line of communication with her office, especially as education and school safety remain at the forefront of legislative discussions. McCombie’s district office can be reached by email at McCombie@ilhousegop.org.