McCombie Op-Ed: The Fight for Illinois, Which direction will we choose to go?

To choose which direction we will go, we must know where we have been. We have to admit mistakes made and more importantly, learn from them. Unfortunately, those in power over the last 40 years are not willing to admit any mistakes. The policies the majority party celebrate have increased our cost of living, contributed to population loss, and even cost some their jobs.

Regardless of your politics, we cannot afford another falsely “balanced” budget …topping the charts at $40.6 billion dollars. Increased spending signed into law by Governor Pritzker inflated our government and is projected to cost each Illinoisan an additional $2,500 next year. The families, farmers, and business owners did not send me to Springfield to vote for reckless initiatives.

I will vote for initiatives that promote our youth, attract families, grow our businesses, and protect our most vulnerable. Moving forward the majority party will continue to pursue increasing taxes rather than tackling serious political and structural reforms. They will work to convince voters that a graduated income tax is the answer to Illinois’ problems. The constitutional amendment on the ballot in November 2020 will give Springfield politicians the ability to set rates and brackets at will without review of existing tax structures. If approved by 60% or more of people voting the amendment will pass. Defeating reckless spending is the most important message we must send to Springfield.

As more move out of our great state the burden of higher taxes will fall heaviest on us, the middle-working class families. We cannot continue to be spectators in the fight for our future, so I ask you, what direction will you choose in the fight for Illinois?

Tony McCombie

State Representative, 71st District