Happy Summer! With all the rain that we have had this spring I am excited to have summer weather. Some of my fondest memories are in the summer. Whether it…
I As we approach Independence Day, it is hard not to reflect on the true meaning of the holiday. A time when the thirteen American colonies were no longer under…
The Wacker Road project in Savanna started as a Safe Routes to School project. There are currently no sidewalks or crosswalks for the children to use to get safely to school. This…
Sterling, IL – June 25, 2019 – Chartered on October 30, 1919 Sterling American Legion Post 296 Celebrates their Centennial Anniversary this year. The first of many public events occurs…
It is a great feeling to be back home in the district
Rep. McCombie Photo Contest Entries Due Savanna….State Representative Tony McCombie (IL-71st) is reminding residents that submissions to her Spring 2019 photo contest are due by June 20th. She also wants…
As I sit down and sort through my desk after a long and difficult legislative session, I am a bit perplexed from reading the celebratory headlines of a session we…
Today I toured the district and gave legislative updates to groups across the district: Twin Cities Rotary WSDR Radio in Sterling with Tom Listened to WHITESIDE County Farmers share concerns…
Our office joined the CDC for the trial run! NHANES is a major program of the National Center for Health Statistics which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and…