This week Leader McCombie made several visits throughout northwest Illinois, including a stop at The Village Bakery in Oregon followed by a special trip to Kings School #144 where she…
This week took the House Minority Leader on a district-wide tour: to meet with constituents, businesses, and organizations throughout northwest Illinois. Check out some of her stops:
Looking back on 2024, there was plenty of action, excitement, and gratitude for the work being done to move the State of Illinois forward! Take a look back on some…
On Monday Rep. Tony McCombie and Rep. Bradley Fritts honored the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office, especially Sheriff Brian VanVickle, Lt. Jason Ketter, Deputy Tad Dominski, and Deputy Tyler Carls (Rochelle…
The Office of the House Minority Leader helped facilitate turkey deliveries across the district to ensure those in need have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Meridian Illinois was able to donate…
This week, the House Minority Leader held a special reception to honor Brent Hassert, who passed away this past summer. Hassert was a former Republican lawmaker who left a profound…
Lawmakers returned to Springfield this week for the first of two parts of Legislative Veto Session. House Minority Leader Tony McCombie met with advocacy groups in her Springfield Office, held…
This week House Minority Leader Tony McCombie hosted and attended events in and around her 89th District alongside colleagues from the Illinois House; it was a great opportunity to connect…
This week House Minority Leader Tony McCombie and her colleagues Reps. Jeff Keicher and Brad Fritts met with Trisha Thompson, the new IDOT Region Two Engineer. They invited township road…