Today House Minority Leader Tony McCombie announced the winner of her fourth annual Spring photo contest: Nancy Danico of Galena. “After receiving several great submissions, I chose the winning photograph…
It was a great week around the 89th District! House Minority Leader Tony McCombie spent time visiting area businesses, police and fire stations, local events…and plenty of constituents in between!…
This week Leader McCombie attended great events in the 89th District community, including the Dekalb County Health Department’s Library Outreach day, which brought together resources for the special Enrollment Period…
The spring legislative session concluded at 4:30am on Wednesday, May 29th. Below are photos from the floor action that took place into the wee–morning hours in the Illinois House.
This week was the last scheduled week of spring legislative session for the Illinois House. There was plenty of floor action, a special Memorial Day ceremony on the House Floor,…
The Illinois Energy Association brought the state’s utilities to the Capitol to showcase some of their exciting equipment and technologies. House Minority Leader McCombie joined her Deputy Leader Norine Hammond…
The American Cancer society hosts “Suits and Sneakers” day annually in the Capitol to raise awareness for the fight against cancer. House Republican lawmakers showed off their sneakers after legislative…
Leader McCombie attended the lllinois Police Officers Memorial Ceremony, an annual event at the Capitol to honor fallen officers and extend support law enforcement officers and their families. Leader McCombie…
House Minority Leader Tony McCombie was out and about at home in her 89th Legislative District. Lawmakers were not scheduled to be in session this week, so McCombie took the…