The Lame Duck Session of the 102nd General Assembly concluded its business in Springfield this week before the swearing-in of the 103rd General Assembly on Wednesday, January 11. At that…
Reps. Tony McCombie and Michael Halpin recently hosted students from from the YMCA Youth and Government General Assembly – United Township Delegation. The students were able to meet with State…
State Representative Tony McCombie partnered with the Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce and the City of Rock Falls to host a FREE community ‘drive through paper shredding event’ on Wednesday,…
Tuesday, June 16 Wednesday, June 17 Friday, June 19 Saturday, June 20 (Summer Solstice) Sunday, June 21 (Father’s Day)
Surpassing their goal of collecting 27 blood units, the Blood Drive hosted by Rep. Tony McCombie and the City of Savanna at the Savanna Fire Department collected 39 units (35…
Monday, June 8 Wednesday, June 10 Thursday, June 11 Friday, June 12 Sunday, June 14- Flag Day
Businesses, artists, bored kids and grandmas! The Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce is asking you to send them your positive notes for an awesome community video/slideshow. They would love to…
What was Rep. Tony McCombie up to the week starting March 9? Find out below: Wednesday, March 11 Thursday, March 12 Friday, March 13 Saturday, March 14