On Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day we honor the families who have lost a loved one in service to our nation. Let us never forget the sacrifice of our…
The elimination of cash bail took effect Monday in Illinois, which came after after extensive delays and legal challenges. Some prosecutors and law enforcement leaders believe it will place more…
Be aware, Illinois. As of September 18, Illinois courts are no longer empowered to hold a hearing to require that a criminal defendant post cash bail as a condition of…
One of the best places in Illinois to witness the dramatic transformation of summer to fall is located in the northwestern corner of the state on the Mississippi River in…
Happy National Tradesmen Day to the men and women who use their unique skills to build and maintain our nation. Your hard work and dedication to your trade keeps our…
House Republican Leader Tony McCombie recently spoke to 150 members of the Illinois Licensed Beverage Assocation at their 137th Annual Convention and Business Meeting. The group gathered to hear from…
PUSH FOR GREATER ETHICS CONTINUES I have repeatedly called for ethics reform in the Illinois House of Representatives; I proudly supported initiatives of fellow members and my own to instill…
Twenty-two years ago today, our lives were forever changed. Today we remember the heroes who emerged that day, from first responders who ran toward danger, to the everyday Americans who…
Happy Truck Driver Appreciation Week to the men and women who keep our nation moving. Truck drivers take on this demanding and important job to safely deliver the goods and…
It is no secret there is an ethics problem in Illinois politics. We have had four Governors spend time in federal prison, we have had several federal court verdicts prove…