Check out local jobs at the Career Fair! A variety of employers from the stateline area will be present and eager to meet you and discuss your future. All are...
A full day of Holiday Festivities at the Davis Community Center! Grab a cup of hot cocoa or coffee and shop for unique gifts. Bring the kids and get the...
Mark your calendar for the second Coliseum Museum book fair and meet authors offering books on: Mystery, Romance, Children, History, Young Adult, Cooking and more. A perfect gift for the...
Hey there, all farmers and agricultural workers! You and your family are invited to enjoy a complimentary lunch as a token of our appreciation for your hard work in the...
NW Illinois Economic Development invites business owners, hiring managers, and community leaders to our Invest in Your Future Workforce Lunch & Learn. Hear about incentives associated with hiring Aged Workers...
The Burpee Museum of Natural History will start their presentation at 5pm in the children's area. Open to the public/ no registration required
This event will start/finish at the Clubhouse this year. You can run or walk this 5K. All ages welcome. All proceeds go to Toys for Tots. $30 Registration Fee. T-shirt...