
Monday, March 2, 2020
Where’s Tony: March 2, 2020 (Happy Casimir Pulaski Day)

What was Rep. Tony McCombie up to the week starting February 24? Find out below: Tuesday, February 25 Friday, February 28 Saturday, February 29 (Leap Day)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Sign the petition: Urge Gov. Pritzker to not hold school funding hostage to his tax hike

In his annual budget address this year, Governor J.B. Pritzker proposed withholding $150 million of state funds for local K-12 schools unless voters approve his income tax hike in the November elections….

Monday, February 24, 2020
Sen. Anderson, Rep. McCombie to host Coffee and Conversation events on March 11

All constituents are invited to chat about state issues over coffee State Senator Neil Anderson and State Representative Tony McCombie will be hosting a series of Coffee and Conversation events…

Monday, February 24, 2020
Concerned Citizens Get Involved with the Legislative Process: File Witness Slips to Voice Your Opinions!

Monday, February 24, 2020
Where’s Tony: February 24, 2020

What was Rep. Tony McCombie up to the week starting February 17? Find out below: Monday, February 17- Presidents’ Day Tuesday, February 18 Wednesday, February 19 Friday, January 21

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Podcast: Demmer, McCombie, Spain reject budget based on hypothetical revenue

Monday, February 17, 2020
Where’s Tony: February 17, 2020

What was Rep. Tony McCombie up to the week starting February 10? Find out below: Tuesday, February 11 Wednesday, February 12- Lincoln’s Birthday Thursday, February 13 Friday, February 14- Valentine’s…

Monday, February 10, 2020
Rep. McCombie: Three years of service- by the numbers

Rep. McCombie recently celebrated three years of service as State Representative of the 71st District. Here’s a recap, by the numbers.

Monday, February 10, 2020
Where’s Tony: February 10, 2020

What was Rep. Tony McCombie up to the week starting February 3? Find out below: Tuesday, February 4 Wednesday, February 5 Thursday, February 6

Friday, February 7, 2020
IDOT: Be prepared for Intermittent Road Closures on John Deere Road and Westbound I-280

The Illinois Department of Transportation announces today that weather permitting, there will be intermittent road closures on westbound John Deere Road between the I-74 Interchange and the 35th Street overpass….